Biblical Chronology

The Bible vs. Archaeology A comprehensive reconciliation of the Bible with archaeology, from the patriarchal period to the Roman period.
Jesus' Two Year Ministry Demonstrates that Jesus' Public Ministry was just over two-years long. Includes a Time Line of Christ's Public Ministry.
Jubilee Timetable Demonstrates from the Bible that God uses a timetable based on Jubilee years tracing them from Creation to the present.
Easter Transfiguration Demonstrates that the Transfiguration of Jesus probably occurred the Sunday after Passover one year before Jesus’ Resurrection. Further demonstrates that the Transfiguration probably occurred on  Mt Nebo / Pizgah.
Dionysius Exiguus Demonstrates that the date selected for the birth of Jesus Christ on Christmas, December 25 1 BC is probably accurate.
Ruth Story in Time Demonstrates that the story of Ruth occurs early during the period of the Judges about 300 hundred years before king David.

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Last Updated:  13 September 2000

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